DILL ~ iVelop Mail Server Update

Instructions. Please follow carefully.

Our server hosting service stopped supporting Squirrel Mail.

This happened late Saturday night. They did not give us prior notification before shutting down Squirrel Mail from our server. Huge techie company arrogance. When a tech company reaches a certain size, customers are no longer the primary focus. Making more money is the focus.

The FIX. Click this link. Follow instructions, here below link.


Make sure the ''' on the end gets pasted. Tricky URL.

Enter your user name and passcode.

In the upper right corner click on CP Webmail Home.

In upper left corner checkbox [ ] Open my inbox when I log in.

Then click on the ROUNDCUBE name and logo.

It will take you back to your Roundcube inbox.

Next time you login you will end up at your RoundCube inbox.



This is CUBE MAIL. After a short time I actually like it better than Squirrle Mail. It has many features that may be useful. For one, you can save email addresses directly into contacts with one click.

Do a bit of learning. Cube Mail on YouTube will give you the tutorials on setup and use.